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Welcome to the official homepage of Farm Solutions Korea, which aims to be the best agricultural machinery export company. We have a cooperative relationship with the NH and its branches, one of the most influential organizations in the Korean agrarian industry.

Company Introduction:
  • Who we are: Farm Solutions Korea has a cooperative relationship with the NH and its branches, one of the most influential organizations in the Korean agrarian industry.

  • Our Team: Our team consists of experienced and trusted individuals from various fields, including internet media, overseas business, and agriculture. Our management team is highly influential and well-respected in the Korean agricultural industry.

  • Our Partners: We have established cooperative relationships with various units of The NH and its regional branches.

Farm Solutions Koreaㅣ CEO Sungho HAN ㅣ 43, Susaek-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea, 03715

Tel: 82-2-532-2835ㅣ  FAx: 82-2-532-9428ㅣ hansungho**

© 2018 by Farm Solutions Korea

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